Download Free Windows Program To Protect Eyes

“Eye Care Switcher”? Have You Heard About This Application?

If you think your screen brightness has increased to the extent that it is hurting your eyes, you should take the help of this software. This is a free screen brightness control software which can come to your rescue. You can dim the brightness on the screen and even increase it if the need arises. CareUEyes is an eye protection software for windows pc that comes with blue light filter, screen dimmer, and break reminder. Prevent eye strain. Iris is software which makes Monitors healthy for the eyes. Blue Light Filter and Screen Dimmer for Eye Protection, you can reduce the Blue Light emitted from your screen for better sleep, reduce the Brightness of your screen without PWM and avoid eye pain.

Eye Care Switcher is an application which has been developed to focus on our eye health. Because each and every day we spent a significant amount of time staring at the monitor screen of the computer. And most of the people use a computer in their office work as well as in daily life. So the health issues increase. Especially this behavior is really bad for our eyes.

Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS) is one of the risky conditions you might face because of the unhealthy eyes. Not only these bad behaviors will ruin your eyes, but it will also impact on your mental and physical fitness too. The developers of this Eye Care Switcher application has found a method to save your eyes using an application which can control the viewing experience more comfortable. And also to keep your eyes healthy while you work.

So keep reading about Eye Care Switcher for more information. Throughout this article, you will get the knowledge about the health issues we face, how this eye care application has managed to develop the app. Furthermore, the technology used, advantages you get from this app and much more information too

The Technology Behind The Amazing Eye Care Switcher

  1. Eye Care Switcher includes Ultra-low Blue Light Technology will protect your eyes from harmful blue light generates from the monitor.
  2. The Flicker-Free Technology will prevent your eyes from sudden brightness changes and flickering generates from the monitor

Ultra-low Blue Light Technology

Eye Care Switcher is created using this Ultra-low blue light technology to protect your eyes. This blue light generates from the monitor screen can damage your eyes in the long time process. When the blue light passes through the cornea, pupil of your eye. The energy of the light will result in macular degenerations and myopia in your eye.

This can cause not only eye damages but also headaches, and other sleeping disorders. When you close your eyes after a longer period of staring in the monitor you feel the burn inside your eyes. Children spending more time in front of the monitor screen will effect on their eye health. Because their lens, cornea, and pupil are less effective in filtering the blue light. So the damage can be quick.

The developers have figured out how to handle the blue light filter via Eye Care Switcher application. The process included hard work. The OSD menu of the application allows accessing the blue screen controller in the monitor easily. This includes 5 levels.

  • Level 0 is the standard mode of the Eye Care Switcher app. This will be activated when you install and run the application.
  • Level 1 is for web browsing and has the ability to generate visuals which are lifelike and minimal color shift.
  • Level 2 is ideal to view photos and video which has a perfect balance to view images with high quality.
  • Level 3 is ideal to work on papers online. If you use word processing tools to write and to read an ebook on the monitor this level can be used.
  • Level 4 is the best for the environment with dim ambient light. This is ideal if you work late night in front of the computer.

The Flicker-Free Technology

The Eye Care Switcher includes the Flicker-free technology to reduce the flickering in the monitor screen. If you try to take a photo from the mobile screen of an image in the monitor screen we can clearly see the flickers in the image. But our eye does not notice the flickers in high brightness settings. It can be seen in a low brightness setting which affects badly to the eye.

The drastic changes which appear in the monitor screen are always captured by the eye. And the changes in the light to high and low brightness makes the pupil get tired quickly. Because the pupil expands and shrinks accordingly. This tiresome even affects causing strain, irritations, headaches and even eye fatigue for the user.

But with the Eye Care Switcher app, the smart dynamic blacklight adjustment settings have the ability to control the flickers in the monitor. To increase the comfortableness of the viewing experience, the smart backlight will avoid the brightness which does the LED backlight flashing in high speed. So you can work a little bit longer on the computer activities such as reading and typing without hurting your eyes.

Advantages Of Using Eye Care Switcher

You can get a number of advantages of using Eye Care Switcher application. When you stare at the monitor screen for a longer period of time, your eyes get tired and it becomes dry. This cause the redness in your eye with a headache. Not only the pain caused in your eye, you will get physical pains too. Your neck, the spine will start to ache.

You will not get enough sleep. Then you will get mental pains too. Such as depression, tiredness, unfit etc. By using this application, the pains will be reduced easily. Your physical health will get better daily. And because of that your mental health will also increase.

Also with this Eye Care Switcher, your eyes will get the ability to work without glasses and any support for a longer period of time. As we have heard, the people who work with computers tend to wear glasses in their early ages. But with the correct adjustments of this application, and controlling the harmful rays will protect your eye. And your children’s eye health will also increase.

Starting To Work With Eye Care Switcher

Using Eye Care Switcher will protect your eyes and your health. In order to start working with this amazing app, you need to download it. Check your computer OS specification and download the related .exe file. After downloading the application you can save the .exe file and install in your computer. This application supports both Windows OS and Mac OS. You will get an instruction set. You can install it accordingly and you can directly start using the application.

Long-term Disadvantages Of Not Using The Eye Care Switcher

If you aren’t using the Eye Care Switcher remember there is a higher chance for you to damage your eyes in the long-term process. If you are a frequent computer user we recommend you to install this app in your personal computer or your work computer right now. Because this will protect your overall health.

If you don’t use this your eyes will be damaged and you will get the Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS) very soon. You will have to wear glasses. And your eyes will become red and itchy. Your eyes will become dry and you will be really tired easily. With these physical pain, you will get headaches and sleeplessness.

And also from these physical pain, you will always feel tired, depressed, angry and moody. Your mental health will be also drained just like your physical fitness. You should not allow the computer to make you feel tired. For that, you should try this “Eye Care Switcher” and see what is the feeling you get at the end of the day. We are sure you will feel more refreshed and more energetic.

You might wonder how can a little effect such as eye health can cause you this much damage. Yes, it is true. From the eyes, we look at everything. And our brain will analyze and give us the fact. If the eye is tired your brain will take more time to analyze. Because the eye muscles won't react. Then you will feel tired and moody and all the feelings will come from the negativity. So make sure you change these habit by doing a simple thing. It is nothing but trying this amazing app right now.

Who Should Use This Eye Care Switcher?

Eye Care Switcher is recommended to all the computer or laptop users. And this is a must for all the who spend more than 2-3 hours in front of a monitor screen. If you are a software engineer or a data entry operator you should install this right now. And also most of the other workers such as Managers, the receptionist should also use because most of the work is now computerized.

And almost all the workers use a computer in their office. Or you might have a personal computer. You may spend at least 3 hours surfing the internet or using social media. Then it is a must. And especially if your children use the PC to play video games, do not forget to save their eye health by installing Eye Care Switcher now!!

Because the more you get late, the more your eye health get weak. So do not let the computer to take away your health.

This amazing Eye Care Switcher will protect your health with the amazing flicker-free technology and Ultra-low Blue Light Technology. The app is really user-friendly and attractive too.


Download Eye care Software

Download Eye Care Software version 2.2.1

Computers have penetrated into every aspect of our lives. Whether in the workplace, at home or at school, the use of computers is now almost mandatory, and to a certain extent, for many of us, watching the screen is almost inevitable.

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Now apparent that prolonged use can lead to a series of computer vision-related problems, collectively known as computer vision syndrome (CVS) or digital eye fatigue, in fact, just a day spent on the computer for more than two hours, you will have 90% the chance of developing computer vision syndrome (CVS), most of us have experienced at least some of the symptoms of CVS. These symptoms include eyestrain, headaches, dry eyes, blurred vision, neck pain, computer vision syndrome is due to prolonged staring at the screen (computer, iPad, mobile phone, etc.) occur, these are some of the more common symptoms.

In addition to causing CVS, the computer is notorious blue light emitter, Blu-ray also involves many other health problems,The excessive blue light on the screen can cause eye damage and may play a role in the development of age-related macular degeneration (AMD). It also suppresses sleep and can cause insomnia and disturb your circadian rhythm. If we use a mobile phone or computer before going to bed, it is more likely to cause insomnia.

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Therefore, protecting your eyes is vital whenever you use a computer, and you can take some steps to prevent the symptoms from getting too bad. There are 6 ways to protect your eyes from the screen, even if you have to stare at them all day long.

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Anti glare computer screen protector for eyes

The glare of reflection on the computer screen is the main cause of eye strain, and the reflection on the computer screen will constantly distract your attention, forcing you to make extra efforts to concentrate. This ultimately leads to eye strain, and you can use a high-end anti-glare computer screen to reduce the glare of your computer monitor. The anti-glare filter is available in two frame designs – flat or wrap. The frame you choose depends on your display style and personal preference, and with either of them, you can virtually eliminate all UV rays that are reflected from the screen to your eyes. There is another option – install eye protection software CareUEyes , which filters the glare of the display, is very convenient to use and is cheaper than the anti-glare screen protector.

Blue light filter computer screen protector for eyes

The screen protector can also be used to filter out the blue light emitted by the computer, which has a shorter wavelength than the other components of the visible spectrum and contains more energy. Excessive blue light can cause eye damage and can cause insomnia and disturb your circadian rhythm. You can filter blue light by installing a Blu-ray filter screen protector for your computer, but the Blu-ray filter screen can cause the display to be distorted, you may need time Adapting to this change, too much color distortion can exacerbate eye fatigue, and the eye care software CareUEyes can also filter blue light, CareUEyes is more powerful than the blue light filter screen and is more convenient to use.

Follow the “20-20-20” rule

20-20-20 rule: Every 20 minutes, look at something 20 feet away for 20 seconds. The 20/20/20 rule was popularized by Dr. Jeff Anshell, a specialist in “vision ergonomics.”, sometimes we forget With this rule, we can install the eye care software
CareUEyes , which will remind us to rest every 20 minutes.


Adjust screen settings

Downgrade the screen brightness, you want the brightness of the display to match the brightness of the surrounding work area, and if it looks like the light source in the room, it’s too bright. If it looks dull, it may be too dark, and the eye care software
CareUEyes can easily adjust the brightness to the appropriate value.

Don’t forget to blink

Blinking helps to lubricate the eyes, otherwise, it can cause dry eye. When you stare at the screen for a long time, you will forget the blink of an eye, so we must consciously force ourselves to blink, which is helpful for the health of the eyes. Combined with the 20-20-20 rule.

Timed rest

When we are busy, we will forget to go to the bathroom, forget to drink water, forget to blink, forget to rest, but for the health of our eyes, we must rest regularly. If you can’t do this, then you have to use software to force yourself to rest. CareUEyes has a forced rest feature that reminds you to rest every 20 minutes.

Download Free Windows Program To Protect Eyes

About CareUEyes

Free Windows Program Downloads

CareUEyes is an eye protection software that runs on windows. It has anti glare, blue light filtering, and timed reminder features. It is very convenient to use and is used by many companies and governments.

Conclusion to computer screen protectors for eyes

We can reduce eye fatigue through physical devices, or relieve eye fatigue through habitual changes, but the most convenient way is to use eye care software
CareUEyes , because it is more convenient, cheaper and more effective, hope our article it is helpful for you.